Company portrait

Tradition meets the modern age.
FLEXA combines decades of expertise and extensive know-how with latest technology. Our products set the benchmark as high-quality, practice-oriented troubleshooters. Of course, irrespective of the kind of cable protection you require.
Intelligent solutions created by professionals for professionals.
We are an owner-managed enterprise, and since our foundation in 1947 we have been striving to be the distinctive step ahead. Therefore, we always offer the optimal solution from one source: protective tubing systems made of plastics or metal including appropriate connectors with any customary type of thread. Our products are solvent-resistant, liquid-tight, food-safe, UV resistant, plastic-coated or braided with wire mesh. They operate in temperatures ranging from -60°C up to +600°C and are classified up to IP Class 69K. They protect data lines against electromagnetic influence and optical fibres for laser light against damage. In the clinical sector, they meet strictest requirements in terms of hygiene and allow easy disinfection.
Responsibility and Sustainability.
The core of Production at FLEXA is our Research Department, and the secret of our highquality production output is our cutting-edge machinery meeting highest standards in terms of quality and safety. As an owner-managed supplier, we also feel responsible to take care of people and of the environment. Therefore, our staff and an economical use of resources are our most precious assets - today and in the future.
Setting an example of partnership and walking the talk.
As an enterprise, we are also willing to accept responsibility in human terms. We are a training company out of conviction and are pleased to further develop our staff with comprehensive on going education. Constructive suggestions are always appreciated at FLEXA. We regard continuous optimization of work processes to be a joint task which, one the one hand, strengthens cohesion among the team members and, on the other hand, also boosts the individual’s commitment. We at FLEXA actively set an example of partnership – and also involve our customers in this partnership. Perhaps, this is our secret of success …
Environmental protection as integral part of our future.
Already years ago we voluntarily committed ourselves to protecting the environment with appropriate measures. Therefore, we are constantly reducing our waste and make sure we select our raw material under recyclability-oriented aspects to the greatest possible extent. We are proud of our waste disposal scheme customized for our production processes and thus stress the environment as little as possible. We regard the reasonable use of resources and permanent awareness in terms of sustainability as a matter of course.