SPR-VA | End position f0abec07-8b47-4bdd-b0e8-83337636fe1f

Protective metal conduits

Protective metal conduit, strip-wound, s profile

stainless steel
-200°C ... +600°C
*Informations complémentaires
  • UKCA
  • RoHS

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FLEXA No.CouleurDI
R stat.
R dyn.
11019801112Stainless steel1,22,325650,01250 L+
11019801115Stainless steel1,52,625650,01350 L+
11019801118Stainless steel1,82,923580,01350 L+
11019801122Stainless steel2,23,420500,01650 L+
11019801126Stainless steel2,63,820500,01950 L+
11018801003Stainless steel3,05,010250,04150 L+
11018801004Stainless steel4,06,012300,04950 L+
11018801005Stainless steel5,07,020500,04350 L+
11018801006Stainless steel6,08,022550,05550 L+
11018801007Stainless steel7,09,025650,06250 L+
11018801008Stainless steel8,010,020500,07750 L+
11018801009Stainless steel9,011,030750,09250 L+
11018801010Stainless steel10,013,032800,11050 L+

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Domaines d'application

  • Optoelectronics
  • Fiber Optic Technology
  • Automatisme
  • Sensor Technology
  • Machinery and equipment
  • railway