FLEXAgraff-VA 7f363df1-de8c-477b-8635-6a9fe4ce393d

Protective metal conduits

Protective metal conduit, strip-wound, double-overlapped profile (Agraff)

stainless steel
-200°C ... +600°C
Protection [acc. to EN 60529]:
IP 40
*Informations complémentaires
  • UKCA
  • RoHS

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FLEXA No.CouleurDE
R stat.
R dyn.
11080801004Stainless steel6,04,06,0401000,05550 L+ CAD
11080801005Stainless steel7,05,07,030750,07150 L+ CAD
11080801006Stainless steel8,06,08,025650,08550 L+ CAD
11080801008Stainless steel10,08,010,0271500,10650 L+ CAD
11080801010Stainless steel12,010,012,0651600,29050 L+ CAD
11080801012Stainless steel14,012,014751900,37050 L+ CAD
11080801014Stainless steel17,014,017,0601500,25050 L+ CAD
11080801018Stainless steel21,018,021,0701750,32050 L+ CAD
11080801024Stainless steel27,024,027,0902250,43050 L+ CAD
11080801031Stainless steel36,032,036,01303250,62025 L+ CAD
11080801040Stainless steel45,040,045,01503750,85025 L+ CAD

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CAD: 3D view

Domaines d'application

  • Optoelectronics
  • Fiber Optic Technology
  • Technical endoscopy
  • Shipbuilding
  • Automatisme
  • Electrical installations
  • Sensor Technology
  • Hazardous areas to EN 60079-14 and EN 61241-14
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Automotive
  • railway