FR-P 69b63787-08a8-4f6c-87b0-9134496262cd
Flat-sealing for PG threads
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FLEXA No. | Filetage | Ø d [mm] | Ø D [mm] | S [mm] | Poids [kg|100] | UE [Pcs] | |
10331000007 | PG7 | 11,5 | 16,0 | 2,0 | 0,024 | 50 | L+ CAD |
10331000009 | PG9 | 14,0 | 20,0 | 2,0 | 0,040 | 50 | L+ CAD |
10331000011 | PG11 | 18,5 | 22,5 | 2,0 | 0,032 | 50 | L+ CAD |
10331000013 | PG13, 5 | 19,0 | 25,0 | 2,0 | 0,052 | 50 | L+ CAD |
10331000016 | PG16 | 21,0 | 27,0 | 2,0 | 0,057 | 50 | L+ CAD |
10331000021 | PG21 | 27,0 | 34,0 | 2,5 | 0,105 | 25 | L+ CAD |
10331000029 | PG29 | 35,0 | 43,0 | 2,5 | 0,153 | 25 | L+ CAD |
10331000036 | PG36 | 45,0 | 54,0 | 2,5 | 0,219 | 25 | L+ CAD |
10331000048 | PG48 | 57,5 | 68,0 | 3,0 | 0,388 | 10 | L+ CAD |
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Autres informations
- Properties: resistant against oil
- protection against water and dust